Hey, I'm Markus!
Escape from Tarkov UX Review
Mar 7th 2021
Tarkov is a rough diamond, a multiplayer survival shooter game with atmosphere tense enough to make you pack an extra pair of underwear. A bunch of UX problems however makes you reconsider your suitcase’s contents.
A while ago I wrote a post about some of the usability problems in Escape from Tarkov’s menus. This post is about the gameplay, the match, the raid, the actual game part of the game. The game’s developers have put a lot more effort in the in-game experience than in the menus, but it’s still far from perfect. This article points out some of the largest UX problems in the game, with some concrete suggestion on how they could be fixed.
Escape from Tarkov Menu UX Redesign
Dec 1st 2020
Tarkov is one of the most atmospheric multiplayer games currently out there. The gameplay is a unique PvP experience that combines infuriating realism to feelings of constant fear and stress; unfortunately, the same could be said about the game menus.
This post points out some of the UX problems in Tarkov’s menus with some tangible examples of how they could be improved. There are numerous UX issues with the in-game UX, but this article focuses only on the menus. The article is my own personal point of view; I have zero relation to he creators of Tarkov, Battlestate Games.
Proverbs around the world visualized
Sep 1st 2017
Ever wondered how your favourite proverbs would look like in a graphical chart format? Seek no more, here are some of the best known proverbs visualized.
The Effect of Animation on Game Usability
Aug 5th 2012
Tein tovi sitten opinnäytetyöni animaation vaikutuksesta pelien käytettävyyteen, ja lupasin jakaa työn tulokset verkossa kaiken kansan käytettäväksi.
Animaatio tarjoaa merkittävän ja luonnollisen keinon digitaalisten pelien käytettävyyden parantamiseen useissa pelien osa-alueissa. Tutkimuksessa rakennetaan teoreettinen kehikko, joka jaottelee pelinaikaisen animaation vaikutuksia digitaalisten pelien käytettävyyteen, sekä selittää animaation käyttömahdollisuuksia jaottelun osa-alueittain.